In collaboration with Gedeon Productions


Throughout the creation of this film, numerous talents from the Piura region in Peru came together. Despite facing various limitations, the enthusiasm and dedication of all participants enabled the culmination of my first semi-professional production. While it still had many technical flaws, it served as a stepping stone in my journey towards pursuing my dreams of becoming a film director.

Film Trailer

Movie poster


Synopsis: "Every criminal is a delinquent, but not every delinquent is a criminal." This is the story of two brothers, Alex and Nicolás, separated by affectionate jealousy from both their family and the love of a woman. Alex, the opposite side of his brother, is a young man who has always experienced strong and dangerous emotions. He is involved with a gang of thugs dedicated to kidnapping and extortion. Suddenly, fate, contrary to his desires, brings his brother back together with his ex-lover, Andrea, who still remains the love of his life. Overwhelmed by envy and extreme jealousy, Alex retaliates against his brother in the vilest way. When he realizes his tremendous mistake, he attempts to reverse the situation, but it might be too late, and he may regret it for the rest of his life.

Premiere (spanish)

Film Premiere: Presented at the San Agustín Auditorium in Chulucanas, Peru.